Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The sea....and eagles...

Often at this time of year we get a decent sea and while this one wasn't as 'good ' as the narrow miss with a hurricane 3 years ago in October, neither was the weather as bad. A breezy, 60 degree weekend but with super high tides and the remnants of a depression offshore somewhere lead to some impressive seas.

impressive sea with gulls - and a black-bellied plover
Unfortunately the wind wants quite right or there just wasnt too much moving. Most of the Scoters and (both) Loons were pretty far out

Talking of Scoter, the easiest one to watch all weekend proved to be the (usually most difficult) White-winged Scoter with a female feeding on both days in Tom's Cove and easily, if a little distantly, watched from the comfort of the balcony outside the visitor center

As the constant reshuffling of the Snow Geese would show, Eagles were around in some numbers. Here are two shots of two that were stationary enough to be photographed,

same sea, no gulls

different eagle apparently eating a teal, tourists prepare to cycle away at speed

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