Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Attracting birds to feeders, aka illustrating the foodchain

The new feeder model seems to be settling in and accepted. There are often 4-5 goldfinches between the two feeders and the new one being well used. A dove has learnt to feed from it if it is left too close to the railing. One Goldfinch is particularly recognizable with several white feathers on crown.
Still impressive numbers of house finches coming to feed with 4-6 often around. The sparrow mafia frequently rolls in with up to
18 birds. One female house finch was defending her feeding patch aggressive from the sparrows with some success today. The female Sparrow with white middle left tertial remains a frequent visitor.
There are more Carolina Chickadees than I remember last winter, , often three at once with four just now. A Carolina Wren and WB Nuthatch also visited today
All this activity is, I am sure, encouraging the almost daily visit from a Cooper's. Today again an adult (female?) visited; spooked everything by arriving from the left today. It rested for a few seconds and then returned in a minute or so to sit, less conspicuously, in the tree for a bit.

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