Saturday, October 23, 2010

The birds.... The birds

The happy couple were on the pond, near the causeway to the pagoda this time.

There was some activity on the bee flowers but still several sleeping despite the rather nice temperature well before dusk, perhaps this will be these (apparently carpenter) bees last resting place?

At dusk - or just before - the crows started coming over roughly the magic spot and heading NE. I counted the first 400 and then occasionally 50 or 100 more until it seemed to run out just after the sun went down after at-least 1700 birds and probably more.Hitchcock would have been proud! There was a strange lack of calling with just a few American )earlier) and Fish ( later) calling. Either they were pretty well segregated or it is not as easy as I would like to believe to tell them apart (relatively speaking of course!) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

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