April 2011 hk birds - april 10 update
Black-eared kites beneath my window - tum ling twisting and locking talons, one caught some paper floating up high
Small egrets on bay
Tree sparrow
black-billed magpie
Sunday am
Red-whiskered Bulbul - everywhere!
Black-collared Starling - serious nice looking but darn hard to photograph (with a phone anyway)
Spotted Dove
Tree Sparrow
Black-eared Kite flying even in dank humid conditions early
Japanese White-eye
Oriental Magpie-Robin
Common Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher
Barn Swallow
Little Egret
Chinese Pond Heron
Crested Myna
Black-crowned Night Heron one with bubble gum pink coloured legs - is this a breeding plummage? another closeby had standard yellow legs
Small flock of Masked Laughthrush
Chinese Bulbul
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Small egrets on bay
Tree sparrow
black-billed magpie
Sunday am
Red-whiskered Bulbul - everywhere!
Black-collared Starling - serious nice looking but darn hard to photograph (with a phone anyway)
Spotted Dove
Tree Sparrow
Black-eared Kite flying even in dank humid conditions early
Japanese White-eye
Oriental Magpie-Robin
Common Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher
Barn Swallow
Little Egret
Chinese Pond Heron
Crested Myna
Black-crowned Night Heron one with bubble gum pink coloured legs - is this a breeding plummage? another closeby had standard yellow legs
Small flock of Masked Laughthrush
Chinese Bulbul
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
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