Mar 26 - spring on the way, snow tomorrow!
Mid-morning visit to the patch found trees in bloom and a cool but sunny morning. 
A few juncos are still around and the occasional white-throated sparrow. Cardinals were singing loudly in several places and song sparrow and particularly Robins were numerous, especially around the picnic area. Across the rail tracks a Sapsucker was actively moving through the tops of the trees.
At the rusty bridge this mockingbird was showing well when it suddenly drew it's plumage in, looked much skinnier and disappeared into the middle of the bush. I looked up to see a Coopers Hawk pass close by. It was interesting to watch how the feather tracks changed orientation, especially the coverts aligning more with the bill to tail access than shown in thus relaxed shot.

Around the receiving pond a pair of Grackles remain - maybe they will breed here? They have Been around for a while in an unusual place fir them.
At the confluence of the Rivers a pair of Cowbird were skulking around the scrubby area maybe looking for early victims.
A few juncos are still around and the occasional white-throated sparrow. Cardinals were singing loudly in several places and song sparrow and particularly Robins were numerous, especially around the picnic area. Across the rail tracks a Sapsucker was actively moving through the tops of the trees.
At the rusty bridge this mockingbird was showing well when it suddenly drew it's plumage in, looked much skinnier and disappeared into the middle of the bush. I looked up to see a Coopers Hawk pass close by. It was interesting to watch how the feather tracks changed orientation, especially the coverts aligning more with the bill to tail access than shown in thus relaxed shot.
Around the receiving pond a pair of Grackles remain - maybe they will breed here? They have Been around for a while in an unusual place fir them.
At the confluence of the Rivers a pair of Cowbird were skulking around the scrubby area maybe looking for early victims.
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