Thursday, September 23, 2010

Heading for another hot one

Just a quick visit this morning on the way to the dentist. A flock if a dozen or so Chimney Swifts over the lake was the highest number for a while but they seemed to move on as the sun rose. The young Hooded Merganser was agin at the overflow, without it's usual mallard accompaniment today. Few migrants were obvious in my limited time. A probable Magnolia Warbler flew across the grassy area by the picnic shelter and one of two birds near 'Pooh Bridge' proved to be a juv Blackpoll Warbler feeding very actively and difficult to get decent views of.
It's a very pleasant 69* right now but we are heading for another hot day, probably not great for seeing Warblers over the next few days. The river from 'Pooh Bridge' BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

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