Monday, March 19, 2007

St Patrick's Day at our house

The first two pictures kind of sum up the gathering on Saturday (and yes that IS Jameson, Harp, Murphy's AND Guinness behind the sobering Irish Coffee).

The food table had a stock of traditional Irish Brie and Swiss Cheese (!) but the Corned Beef (yet to arrive, in the picture...) lent authenticity to the fare.

With Celtic Music on the stereo and Irish flags on the flag pole (and elsewhere!) the party was underway.

Jerilyn and Allie easily won the prize for most enthusiastic personal adornment

A house full of victims (aka friends,old and new) joined the celebrations including Derek and Levi - in town from Iowa for the weekend and seen here with Deanna - and Pat 'Chickie' Boylan - posing with Lisa and Rob.

Despite the implications from top photograph, on Sunday morning the flag wearing young ladies were off to the airport at dawn, the Iowa contingent were out impressively early to do the tourist rounds of DC and Chrystal & Rob were off birding in a bracing (damn cold!) wind

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