Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30 2011 -at last

Much delayed first visit to Monticello Park turned up some great view of black-throated green, a showy blue-winged and an early Blackpoll

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20 2011 - then sprig was here

Snatch of house wren song outide corp apartment in PA - just one,at 5am-ish!

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 12 2011 - *YAWN*

12 hour time diff = 24/7 firefighting :( oh problems please just resolve yourself sometimes :)

April 11 2011 - here we go....

Late Night e Clarkson with subtitles - was I dreaming ?
Apparently not

Jumped in a taxi to go 1 mile to work central plaza is PRIMO location Nieghbours are eBay and Paypal up here on floor 32

Chinese banquet at lunchtime on day 1 - apparently my chopsticks skills are GOOD - or Agnes is just very polite and ignores the debris on the tablecloth

The usual challenge of keeping people on task but super enthusiastic group

Use the triangle!

Team dinner - at the local Italian - surreal.

HK at night is Times Square on steroids!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

April 10 2011 - HK Sunday

An awefil lot of shouting going on out there...

April 2011 hk birds - april 10 update

Black-eared kites beneath my window - tum ling twisting and locking talons, one caught some paper floating up high

Small egrets on bay

Tree sparrow

black-billed magpie

Sunday am

Red-whiskered Bulbul - everywhere!

Black-collared Starling - serious nice looking but darn hard to photograph (with a phone anyway)

Spotted Dove

Tree Sparrow

Black-eared Kite flying even in dank humid conditions early

Japanese White-eye

Oriental Magpie-Robin

Common Kingfisher

White-throated Kingfisher

Barn Swallow

Little Egret

Chinese Pond Heron

Crested Myna

Black-crowned Night Heron one with bubble gum pink coloured legs - is this a breeding plummage? another closeby had standard yellow legs

Small flock of Masked Laughthrush

Chinese Bulbul
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Kite from above

Apr 9th continued

A huge ( somehow predictive text turned that into' UBS Jesuits' !!!) powernap after the best shower EVER kinda wipes out the rest of daylight.

Walk aroun the park after dusk - the impressive light show from the sky scrapers begins.

There a tennis center with some fine young player playing under the floodlights - must though I don't much care for the game.
For the umpteenth time this evening a feral cat crossing my peripheral vision make me jump

No such action on the lawn green bowling next door - such an English game feeling a little out of place in this warm oriental environment

A few starling like squeals can't be located - could be good in the morning, I the cats don't get them first lol

Elected for dinner in schmancy 27th floor restaurant looking down over my domain for the next week or so. Tiger Prawn - now THAT'S some shellfish !

Apr 9 2011 so that was a short Friday

Almost ready for the third leg - the United desk opens at 4:30 and off we go....

Upgrade 3 in business on the jumbo for 3.5hours, next to chatty Jon on his way home from Jakarta to Columbus, OH.
Right now we're flying into a stunning sunrise...

Oh they make the materials for the smelting pots btW

The Chicken Rice for breakfast was an interesting experiment - probably should have taken it a little easier on the chilli sauce buy hey

And no, toilet seat comes crashing down on Jumbos - sorry (formerly?) sleeping peeps on ya fancy flatbeds. :0

And so after 20 yrs or so I complete my circumnavigation of the globe ....

FUUUUUUUCK I'm in Hong Kong all alone Yikes! And safely reunited with Natasha

I hope the first bird Is more exotic than the shops traveled, HSBC and'bucks

Ahhhhhhh that would be a feral pigeon then....

Astonishing sights so far - never seen so many tower blocks and shipping containers...

So the first thing Park Lane Hotel offers me? Why a flagon if the finest local brew..... Carlsberg

One THIS is a room

Thursday, April 07, 2011

April 7 2011 -

First barn swallows at Dulles.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Monday, April 04, 2011

March 31 2011 wilson bridge

First Osprey sighting of the season as I approached the wilson bridge coming south down 295

April 2 2011 - i see no ships

A quick weekend for Rhiannon's birth and towards dusk we grabbed just a few minutes to look off Selsey South Beach

A small flock of Brent geese flew low over apart from that Herring Gulls were hanging in the wind calling loudly and a Great Cormorant was on it's usual perch just off shore

After a good curry - one or more Robins were singing in budgens car park and a Barn Owl over the road at Siddlesham Ferry

April 4 2011 - Sparrowpalooza!

Considering it started as just a quick glance st the feeders today turned into quite something.

A couple of Chipping Sparrows around the deck including one on the Niger feeder were the immediate surprise

Shortly after a Fox Sparrow flew into the tree from the lower are of the garden - both species reappearing later in the afternoon ( but with only quick photo ops ).

3-4 different White-throated Sparrows were around throughout the day abs the Song Sparrows remain the only ones interested in the mealworms on offer.

It was generally busy all day with an unusual visit from 2 Starlings and the appearance early afternoon of a pair of Cowbirds - probably a new garden species